Frequently Asked Questions

Step 1: Check out your course.

Step 2: Register an account (to access the course and for us to follow up with you)

Step 3: Contact us through this Google Form to let us know that you have purchased the course, so that we can activate it for you and follow up with you. (if needed)

You can access the course for 150 days when you pay for the course. If you wish to renew your subscription, you may do so after 150 days. You can only access the course which you have paid for.

No refund. Purchase is final. If it's an accidental purchase, we may refund you within 1 hour of notification. Do contact us through this Google Form to get your refund.

Yes. Skill Oneness is a brand/program that is owned by a business owner in Singapore.

Yes. We will award our own certificate to you after your completion of course. This certificate is an acknowledgement of your participation and completion.